Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tips and Tricks Homunculus

Hello guys, I’m the author will make some tips and trick for homunculus
ok lets check this out

Part 1 :

Homunculus Pre- S to Homunculus S

I will explain which more better for homunculus Pre-S to S
here we go..

Pros :
  • Good on Stat
  • Even the homunculus S has low ASPD (Ex: Dieter), Caprice will make you easy to get level after he be homunculus S
  • No need to wait for Evolved loyal to get the ultimate skill, coz the ultimate skill is useless (except your homunculus S is Eira)

Cons :
  • Not much usefull buff for the owner, Only Instruction Change to increase pot success rate +5%
  • Instruction Change buggin (it will make like your homunculus has decreased on atk and Matk but the fact, its not)
  • Ultimate skill eat all intimacy

This one really suitable so this can be any homunculus

Vanilmirth has really balance stat and huge stat growth, this will suitable with any homunculus S also easy to level any homunculus S with his Caprice


Pros :
  • Super Max HP, HP regen, and Def
  • Amistr Bulwark will increase def the homunculus and vit for the owner
  • Ultimate skill not cost intimacy
  • Castling will help when the owner get mobbed

Cons :
  • Low on ASPD, it will get really worst ASPD when be Dieter
  • Low on Max SP, and SP regen
  • No offensive skill

I suggest to be Dieter or Sera

Reason :
Ultimate skill will boost Dieter ATK really compare with dieter pyroclastic and magma flow
Amistr Bulwark will boost Dieter def For Using Magma flow and boost the owner Vit plus with Sera Pain killer

Pros :
  • Cheapest feeds among the other homunculus
  • Moonlight is the strongest offensive skill
  • Highest flee rate among all homunculus (but in Renewal, this is no longer an advantage)
  • FIlir has Good ASPD
  • No need to wait for Evolved loyal to get the ultimate skill, coz the ultimate skill is useless (except your homunculus S is Eira)

Cons :
  • Lowest Max HP among all Homunculus
  • Really Low Vit, Def, and HP regen which mean really bad tank
  • Ultimate skill eat all intimacy

I suggest to be Eira

Eira has high flee, so it will really compare with filir as Homunculus Pre-S to boost Eira Flee rate and when using Eira Overboost then Filir Accelerated Flight that will increase Flee rate Dramaticly


Pros :
  • Ultimate skill not cost intimacy
  • Lif Has Really good max SP and SP regen, this can make lif to be SP pool for her Mutation Homuculus S

Cos :
  • No Offensive skill, this will make damn hard to level her
  • The most expensive feeds than the others homunculus
  • The Lowest Stat Atk, Def and Flee Rate ever
  • Urgent Escape can be replaced with Gene cart boost
  • Her Heal Skill Needs Condensed Red Potion

I suggest to be Bayeri or Eleanor

Reason :
Bayeri has Stein wand to make safety wall, so more SP = More Hit Def for Safetywall and Spaming Safety wall
Eleanor need more SP to spam her Skill, Eleanor has highest DPS for 1 VS 1 battle and really good to make infinite combo until the enemy died

Part 2 :

Homunculus Auto Feeding

*Ehemm* this kinda sensitive, you know why?? Coz this AUTO
Somebody maybe only know using Op****ore program but most of player or GM notice that program.. and bangg~.. you get banned.. and now I will introduce auto feeding with another way so GM wont notice it, except the Player or GM watching on you for 24 hours (That’s nuts LOL)
I will give you the tutorial to use it.. this really damn easy to use but ofcourse has the Pros and Cons.. I will compare my program with the Op****ore..


Pros :
  • When get DC it will make auto login
  • Can auto heal while leveling for the owner and homunculus

  • Need to config something before to use auto feeding and leveling at same time
  • High Chance to get banned coz this not running ragnarok online client
  • Slow to level coz Op****ore AI not good than ragnarok online AI
  • Homunculus become Not too aggressive 
  • Sometimes homunculus get lost and the owner move to catch the homun, this will make player who saw it curious with the owner behavior

My Program

Pros :
  • Easy to use
  • Make level more faster coz using AI on ragnarok more better than Op****ore AI
  • Coz using ragnarok client it will makes Homunculus move more aggressive than using Op****ore AI
  • Damn Low rate to get notice if this 3rd party program coz this doesn’t has any realation with client or packet sent modification

Cons :
  • Need good connection, so you wont got DC while feeding
  • Ragnarok Online windows must stay on and DONT MOVE the Mouse on “Feed” button While FEEDING, that’s mean u cant use ur computer beside Feed your homunculus (SO ONLY USE THE PROGRAM WHEN YOU NEED TO AFK)
  • Need good gear to survive while leveling at aggressive area monster (I will explain the gear below)

My tutorial to use my program..

  • Download the program, Click Here to download (Update Program : Friday, February 7th 2014)
  • Extract it to desktop or to another folder which you like

  • Input the password (i already told the password in our facebook group)

  • Run and Login Your ragnarok online

  • Open the Homunculus Info Bar (Alt + R)

  • Wait your homunculus intimacy is between 30-34
  • Move the Homunculus Info Bar until “Feed” Button Equal with “Ok” Button, See the picture

  • Press Esc to make “OK” button gone

  • If you already sure the "Feed" Button and "Ok" Button on same line, you can Alt + Tab and Run the Program. you will see the program will running like this picture

  • Go back to your Ragnarok Online and make your cursor on "Feed" Button like the picture below  then wait until 10 minutes

  • Congrats your homunculus is auto feeding now

Note :
You can press Pause button in your keyboard to pause the autofeeding while you pause it the auto feeding time keep running but it just won’t auto click. it will like H symbol with red like the pitcure bellow 

But dont forgot to press Pause button again release the pause when you need to auto feeding.. 

Part 3 :

Leveling Spot

This Part only work on International Ragnarok Online (iRO) Server
This is the important one, and remember this is only my suggestion and I’m just normal human, sometimes I can make some mistake for this one

Homuculus Pre-S

Level 1-8 (Not Evolved)  :
On this level you can’t AFK, you need to move and level your homun
I suggest to level at Geffen Field, Mandragora Map (gef_fild04) north portal of Geffen city,  so in this map you tank your homun while you being atked by mandagora your homun will keep kill it

See this map for the spot rute :

 Desc :
  • Red Area,  just walk in red mark i made coz mandragora usually on that mark

Level 8-13 (Not Evolved)  :
On this level you can’t AFK, you need to move and level your homun
I suggest to level at Payon Forest, Spore Map (Pay_fild08) east portal of Payon City, in this map your homun can kill the spore by his/her own str, just keepin on eye for it

See this map for the spot rute :

Desc :
  • Red Area, it means massive spawn rate
  • Blue Area, It means normal spawn rate

Level 13-30 :
I suggest to level at Ant Hell, Ant Egg Map level 1 (anthell01) south portal of Morroc City then go to left map then straight up, in here find the egg spot 1st then you can AFK while leveling it but remember you need to config your Homunculus AI in your ragnarok online folder to not attack the Ant, and only atk the egg

See this map for the spot rute :

Desc :
  • Red Area, it means massive spawn rate or i can say that the alch or gene favorite place to AFK
  • Yellow Area,  it just normal spawn rate

Level 30-80 :
I suggest to stay at Ant Hell same like the above but now you can kill the Ants or everything on it (Beware if someone use BB or DB on the ant map), change your AI configuration to atk the Ants and everything on it instead.

See this map for the spot rute :
 Desc :
  • Red Area, it means massive spawn rate or i can say that the alch or gene favorite place to AFK
  • Yellow Area,  it just normal spawn rate
Extra :Level 1-80  (Already Evolved) :
This is Special for homunculus who already evolved on this level range, I suggest to level at Ant Hell, Ant Egg Map level 1 (anthell01) south portal of Morroc City then go to left map then straight up, in here find the egg spot 1st then you can AFK while leveling it but remember you need to config your Homunculus AI in your ragnarok online folder to not attack the Ant, and only atk the egg.. when level 20 I suggest to stay at Ant Hell same like the above but now you can kill the Ants or everything on it (Beware if someone use BB or DB on the ant map), change your AI configuration to atk the Ants and everything on it instead. Coz level 1 evolved really has different stat (Already tested with Evolved Vanilmirth level 1)

Level 80-90:
I suggest to level on Orc Dungeon level 1, Orc Zombie Map (Orcsdun01), in here you need to set your AI become KS-er. Coz someone will trying to kill your enemy while you AFK and BEWARE in here you need good equipment :
  • +0 or +4 Easter Egg Shell
  • Coward Acessories (Shinobi Card on Accessories)
  • +0 or +4 Any Shield (Teddy Bear Card on Shield)

That’s the standart equipment to make you stay alive, 

Shinobi Card is the main Equipment
you must have Shinobi card before AFK leveling your Homunculus in Orc Dungeon level 1 or level 2 and please stay close to the wall or An Obstacle object near you, so the owner will cloacking while atked by the enemy on there

But if you rich you can make something crazy like :
  • + 9 Easter Egg Shell
  • +9 or +12 HBP (Deviling Card)
  • Advance ROR and ROFL
  • +9 or +12 Resistant Immune Shield (Hodremlin Card)
  • Peace Pipe
  • +9 Enchanted Variant Shoes (Firelock Soldier Card)
I believe with equipment above you wont die while AFK in Orc dungeon (LULz)

For the map check this spot, See this map for the spot rute :
   Desc :
  • Red Area, it means massive spawn rate or i can say that the alch or gene favorite place to AFK
  • Yellow Area,  it just normal spawn rate
Level 90-99 :
I suggest to level on Orc Dungeon level 2, In this map beware from another player sometimes they so evil to take your spot instead like using BB or Man in Hole you or Drop the huge mob on you to make you died. In here same like equipment in Orc Dungeon level 1, as along you near the wall and you have good max SP  you wont die easy. If you want try TI map to level your homun but this only work for alch and gene on below level 100
Sometimes in Orc Dungeon level 2 another players took your spot with their AOE, I just can say you need to be patient with it and move to another spot. On orc has many spot and I’ll give the spot map below this

For the map check this spot, See this map for the spot rute :

  Desc :
  • Red Area, it means massive spawn rate or i can say that the alch or gene favorite place to AFK
  • Yellow Area,  it just normal spawn rate

If your homun Pre-S already level 99 and you already gene please don’t level your homun again, Otherwise you will get worst stat growth on your homunculus. You can leveling your homun when you already change it to be Homunculus S, if you want to increase the intimacy to get evolved or ultimate skill just do auto feeding above without leveling

Homunculus S 

Level 99-150  :
This is the hardest part, I have few suggestion on this one
  1. You can stay on Orc Dungeon level 2, find the good spot and get the AOE skill if your homunculus has it. Orc dungeon really good for spawn rate coz many ppl level their homun on here, get the AOE skill, Find the good spot and your homunculus will level like a crazy, See the map high spawn rute above (Level 90-99)
  2.  Another option, you can level at Spotlight map but in this map sometimes kinda hard to afk coz low spawn rate
  3. Low level owner (below level 100) you can try to do homunculus party until u get the aoe skill then you can try solo in TI map.

Additional info from author

My another tips while you level your homunculus :
  1. DONT BE A VIP MEMBER, I suggest it coz VIP didnt increase EXP for your homunculus so it will waste your VIP time. Homunculus EXP ONLY AFFECTED by the server EXP and NOT AFFECTED by the Item, Equipment or Batlle Manual. But if you already VIP, you can level your homunculus when you're not playing or TI-ing (I.g : Sleeping, Working, ETC)
  2. BE PATIENT, this is the hardest way when your homunculus get level 97+ you only get 1 level per day. and when someone come to your spot and take it over by her/his AOE. I suggest to move to find another spot until you get your Homunculus AOE Skill. but if you mad and drop BB there, it only makes your own mistake more worst. dont waste your time and zeny
  3. DONT BE ALONE AT ORC DUNGEON LEVEL 2, try to ask your friends to make homunculus party in Orc Dungeon or you can dualing while leveling your homunculus with another homun on there
    if that way too hard you can  try to near another player without an AOE homunculus, coz when you get the good spot usually you'll get mobbed by the monster this will only 2 things happen, 1st  you died; 2nd someone with AOE took over your spot
  4. FOCUS WHILE LEVEL YOUR HOMUNCULUS, when your homun level is homunculus S, i suggest to focus to leveling it. coz kinda hard to find a good spot to AFK in Orc dungeon level 2
Ok that’s all from me, I’m so sorry If I have some mistake with spelling the grammar or something with the tip and trick but if you have any suggestion I will really happy to hear it..

So, Good luck with your homunculus level and have fun~
Onion Head Emoticons 2Onion Head Emoticons 2Onion Head Emoticons 2Onion Head Emoticons 2Onion Head Emoticons 2

Since i already quit, i'll just give you away the password ;

Sunday, September 8, 2013

New Card List Ragnarok Online (Port Malaya)

Tiyanak Card
Critical +12 on Demi Human, Brute and Fish monsters.
Compound on : Accessory

Manananggal Card
Regain 1 SP with each attack.
MSP - 1%.
Compound on : Weapon

Jejeling Card
Adds 200 HP for every 10 points of base VIT.
Compound on : Garment

WakWak Card
Adds 5 ATK for every 10 points of base STR.
Compound on : Garment

Mangkukulam Card
MSP + 10%.
Drain 666 HP each time an enemy is killed.
Compound on : Armor

Bungisngis Card
Each 2 refine, MHP + 1%.
Compound on : Headgear

Tikbalang Card
MATK + 10, increases damage of wind element magic attacks by 5%.
If the upgrade level is 9 or higher, add an additional 5% wind element magic attacks.
Compound on : Headgear

Bangungot Card
INT + 4, adds a high chance of inflicting the Sleep status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is magically attacked.
Compound on : Armor

Buwaya Card
VIT + 4, adds a high chance of inflicting the Stone Curse status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is magically attacked.
Compound on : Armor

Bakonawa Card
STR + 4, adds a high chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is physically attacked.
Compound on : Armor

Rebellion 2nd Job Gunslinger

Ok Guys, During the Maintenance on 3/7/2013 Gravity Korea add the Rebellion Cls to their Sakray Server.



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Skill Symbol

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Skill Description

Dragon Tail
Max Level: 5
Req: Crimson Marker 1, Howling Mine 3
Type: Damage
Detail: Grenade luncher skill. Targets all the monster with missle in your screen which has Crimson Marker. If Crimson Marker is on lots of monster, they will still recieve damages from missile but diveded. If theres no marker on the monster, skill doesn't get activated.
When using the skill, one Dragon Tail Missle will be used.
[Level 1] : 3000% Atk
[Level 2] : 3500%
[Level 3] : 4000%
[Level 4] : 4500%
[Level 5] : 5000%

Round Trip
Max Level: 5
Req: Fire Rain 1
Type: Damage
Detail:Gatlling Gun Skill. Attacks monsters around you with Gatlling Gun. If monsters in the effect area recieves damage, they will get knockbacked out of the skill range. If knockbacked monster hits the wall, they will recieve additional damage. If user have higher DEX, damage of Round Trip and knockback damage will increase.
When using the skill, will consume 5 bullets your wearing.
[Level 1] 5x5->7x7
[Level 2] 5x5->7x7
[Level 3] 5x5->9x9
[Level 4] 5x5->11x11
[Level 5] 7x7->13x13

Rich's Coin
Max Lv: 1
Req: Flip the Coin 5
Type: Special
Detail: User can generate 10 coin using 100 zeny within 50% of chance. if you have learned this skill,Coin will not removed even if you failed to fain coin using Flip the Coin.

Mass Spiral
Max Lv: 5
Req: Piercing Shot 5 -> Piercing Shot 1
Type: Damage/Status
Detail: Rifle Skill. If target's def is higher, it deals more pierce damage. Target who recieved a damage from this skill will also recieve bleeding with a high chance. When using the skill, 1 coin and 1 Full Metal Bullet will be consumed.
[Level 1] 200% atk + Target's def
[Level 2] 400% atk + Target's def
[Level 3] 600% atk + Target's def
[Level 4] 800% atk + Target's def
[Level 5] 1000% atk + Target's def

Bind Trap
Max Lv: 5
Req: Basic
Type: Ground/Status
Detail: Implants a strong trap that slows down the enemy immensly. During its duration, all the enemies in its effective area will get slowed movement speed. If you use skill [Flicker], Bind Trap will explode and deals additional damage. Duration time of Bind Trap will get effective it's enemy's str.
Bind trap can't be installed more than one(->three), and when skill is used, it consumes 1 coin and 1 special trap.
[Level 1] 10 sec
[Level 2] 11 sec
[Level 3] 12 sec
[Level 4] 13 sec
[Level 5] 14 sec

Banishing Buster
Max Lv: 5
Req: Shatter Storm
Type: Damage/Special
Detail: Shotgun Skill. Target and 5x5 around it will recieve damage, and will erase any of its buff and debuff randomly. DEX effects success rate of erasing buff/debuff.
When the skill is used, 1 coin will be consumed.
[Level 1] Erase 4 Buff/Debuff randomly
[Level 2] Erase 6 Buff/Debuff randomly
[Level 3] Erase 8 Buff/Debuff randomly
[Level 4] Erase 10 Buff/Debuff randomly
[Level 5] Erase 12 Buff/Debuff randomly

Shatter Storm
Max Lv: 5
Req: Disarm 5/Dust 5 -> Disarm1/Dust1
Type: Damage/Special
Detail: Shot Gun Skill. Deals damage to its target, and also enemies around 5x5 area will recieve damage, and has chance of destroying random equip. Its chance will dependant upon user's DEX, and target's Agi. However, if target is coated, or it has undestructable equips, Shatter Storm won't break those equipments.
When the skill is used, 3 coin will be consumed.
[Level 1] Destroys 2 equip
[Level 2] Destroys 2 equip
[Level 3] Destroys 3 equip
[Level 4] Destroys 4 equip
[Level 5] Destroys 5 equip

Slug Shot
Max Lv: 5
Req: Banishing Buster 5 -> Banishing Buster 3
Type: Damage/Debuff
Detail: Shotgun Skill. If bullet is heavier, your damage will be increased. You have to equip heavy specialized slug bullet, and since its so heavy that after 3 cell from you, it will be decreased in accuracy. If target is hit by the skill, target will forced to sit. Monster will get stunned instead.
[Level 1] -10 accuracy after 3 cell
[Level 2] -9 accuracy after 3 cell
[Level 3] -8 accuracy after 3 cell
[Level 4] -7 accuracy after 3 cell
[Level 5] -6 accuracy after 3 cell

Anti-Material Blast
Max Lv: 5
Req: Mass Spiral
Type: Damage/Debuff
Detail: With Damaging enemy, it reduces "Immune effect" from the target. HIgher Skill level and user's DEX will increase its chane of effect.
When the skill is used, 1 coin will be consumed
[Level 1] 12 sec/immune will be reduced 10%
[Level 2] 14 sec/immune will be reduced 20%
[Level 3] 16 sec/immune will be reduced 30%
[Level 4] 18 sec/immune will be reduced 40%
[Level 5] 20 sec/immune will be reduced 50%

Eternal Chain
Max Lv: 10
Req: Chain Action 10
Type: Buff
Detail: When Eternal Chain is activated, regardless of what type of weapon you are wearing, it will activate Chain Action. Level of Chain Action will be determined depends on how many coin you have.
When the skill is used, all the coin will be used.
[Level 1] 30 Sec
[Level 2] 45 Sec
[Level 3] 60 Sec
[Level 4] 75 Sec
[Level 5] 90 Sec
[Level 6] 105 Sec
[Level 7] 120 Sec
[Level 8] 135 Sec
[Level 9] 150 Sec
[Level 10] 165 Sec

Quick Draw Shot
Max Lv: 1
Req: Eternal Chain
Type: Damage
Detail: While Chain Action is activating, it Activates Quick Draw shot to deal additional damage. You can activate this skill to combo Chain Action Skill. Higher DEX of its user will increase number of hits it will do. If Crimson Marker is on near by targets in 21x21 cells around the userer, they will all recieve Quick Draw Shot.

Crimson Marker
Max Level: 1
Pre-req: Increase Accuracy level 1
Max Lv: 1
Req: Increasing Accuracy 1
Type: Debuff/Special
Detail: Marks one with Cromson Mark, and decrease 10% of flee. Marked target will be shown at the mini map. You can use Crimson Mark to three people. Also, this sill will effect [Quick Draw Shot] [Dragon Tail] [Hammer of God]
30 second duration

Fire Dance
Max Lv: 5
Req: Fallen Angel 1
Type: Damage
Detail: Revolver Skill. Deals damage 5x5 cell around you.
When the skill is used, 1 coin and 5 equiped bullets will be used.
[Level 1] Varies on Level+100%
[Level 2] Varies on Level+200%
[Level 3] Varies on Level+300%
[Level 4] Varies on Level+400%
[Level 5] Varies on Level+500%

Fire Rain
Max Lv: 5
Req: Gatling Fever
Type: Ground/Damage
Detail: Gatling Gun Skill. Attacks 3x10 cell in front of the user. Ground skill that is in range of Fire Rain, that skill will be erased by chance. Higher DEX and skill level will increase its chance.
When the skill is used, 10 equiped bullet will be consumed.
[Level 1] 500% + User's Dex -> 2000% + User's Dex (all the same below)
[Level 2] 500% + User's Dex
[Level 3] 500% + User's Dex
[Level 4] 500% + User's Dex
[Level 5] 500% + User's Dex

Fallen Angel
Max Lv: 5
Req: Desperado 10
Type: Damage/Movement
Detail: Revolver Skill. User will jump to targetted spot, and use Desperado. If theres a wall, or obstacle in between the targetted spot from where you are, skill will fail to be activated automatically. It uses your current Desperado's skill level. Higher Skill level will decrease your skill cooldown.

Platinum Alter
Max Lv: 5
Req: Basic
Type: Buff
Detail: This skill activates only when Silver Bullet is equiped. When Platinum Alter is activated, you will use all the coin you have currently, and your ATK will increased depends on coin spent. And during its duration, you will get reduced damage from undead monsters. If you change your bullet before the duration is over, skill will be cancelled automatically.

Max Lv: 1
Req: Fling 1
Type: Special
Detail: It explodes user's special skills such as [Howling Mine] and [Bind Trap]

Howling Mine
Max Lv: 5
Req: Ground Drift 5 -> Spread Attatk 1
Type: Damage/Status
Detail: Granade Launcher Skill. Fires attachable bomb to its target, deals damage. Flicker skill can detonate Howling Mine, and it will deal explosion damage around the target. If its not exploded, it will be detached from the target after its duration is over. All the targets who recieved damage from its explosion, will have chance to get [Burn]
When the skill is used, will comsume 1 Attachable Bomb
[Level 1] 400% ATK + 800% Explosion damage
[Level 2] 600% ATK + 1100% Explosion damage
[Level 3] 800% ATK + 1400% Explosion damage
[Level 4] 1000% ATK + 1700% Explosion damage
[Level 5] 1200% ATK + 2000% Explosion damage

Hammer of God
Max Lv: 5
Req: Anti Material Blast 5
Type: Damage/Status
Detail: Rifle Skill. This skill will decide where would rage of god fall upon. If target is marked with Crimson Marker, it will attack 5x5 cells around the target. However, if target isnt marked with Crimson Marker, Hammer of God will fall randomly around the target. Target who recieved damage from Hammer of God will get stunned 100%, and duration of the stun will increased upon its skill level.
[Level 1] 2000% ATK + 3 sec stun -> 2400% ATK + 3 sec stun
[Level 2] 2500% ATK + 3 sec stun -> 3200% ATK + 3 sec stun
[Level 3] 3000% ATK + 4 sec stun -> 4000% ATK + 4 sec stun
[Level 4] 3500% ATK + 4 sec stun -> 4800% ATK + 4 sec stun
[Level 5] 4000% ATK + 5 sec stun -> 5600% ATK + 5 sec stun

Heat Barrel
Max Lv: 5
Req: Fire Dance 5 -> Fire Dance 2
Type: Buff
Detail: While spending all the coin you have, it will increase your attack speed but gets penalty on your accuracy. Higher skill level will increase more attack speed but also decrease more accuracy. Also, after the duration is over, you get 10 sec penalty which will block you from using any of skill nor item. In Addition, you can't stack this skill with Madness Canceller, and if you change your equip while in its duration, effect of skill will get removed, and you will recieve 10 second penalty automarically. 60 sec duration. (Added an effect: Decrease Fix Casting Delay)

Skill Tree


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Some Equipment
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Rebellion Official Wallpaper
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From : Warp portal forum and Europe forum

Special Thanks :