Sunday, September 8, 2013

New Card List Ragnarok Online (Port Malaya)

Tiyanak Card
Critical +12 on Demi Human, Brute and Fish monsters.
Compound on : Accessory

Manananggal Card
Regain 1 SP with each attack.
MSP - 1%.
Compound on : Weapon

Jejeling Card
Adds 200 HP for every 10 points of base VIT.
Compound on : Garment

WakWak Card
Adds 5 ATK for every 10 points of base STR.
Compound on : Garment

Mangkukulam Card
MSP + 10%.
Drain 666 HP each time an enemy is killed.
Compound on : Armor

Bungisngis Card
Each 2 refine, MHP + 1%.
Compound on : Headgear

Tikbalang Card
MATK + 10, increases damage of wind element magic attacks by 5%.
If the upgrade level is 9 or higher, add an additional 5% wind element magic attacks.
Compound on : Headgear

Bangungot Card
INT + 4, adds a high chance of inflicting the Sleep status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is magically attacked.
Compound on : Armor

Buwaya Card
VIT + 4, adds a high chance of inflicting the Stone Curse status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is magically attacked.
Compound on : Armor

Bakonawa Card
STR + 4, adds a high chance of inflicting the Bleeding status to the attacking enemy each time the wearer is physically attacked.
Compound on : Armor

Rebellion 2nd Job Gunslinger

Ok Guys, During the Maintenance on 3/7/2013 Gravity Korea add the Rebellion Cls to their Sakray Server.



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Skill Symbol

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Skill Description

Dragon Tail
Max Level: 5
Req: Crimson Marker 1, Howling Mine 3
Type: Damage
Detail: Grenade luncher skill. Targets all the monster with missle in your screen which has Crimson Marker. If Crimson Marker is on lots of monster, they will still recieve damages from missile but diveded. If theres no marker on the monster, skill doesn't get activated.
When using the skill, one Dragon Tail Missle will be used.
[Level 1] : 3000% Atk
[Level 2] : 3500%
[Level 3] : 4000%
[Level 4] : 4500%
[Level 5] : 5000%

Round Trip
Max Level: 5
Req: Fire Rain 1
Type: Damage
Detail:Gatlling Gun Skill. Attacks monsters around you with Gatlling Gun. If monsters in the effect area recieves damage, they will get knockbacked out of the skill range. If knockbacked monster hits the wall, they will recieve additional damage. If user have higher DEX, damage of Round Trip and knockback damage will increase.
When using the skill, will consume 5 bullets your wearing.
[Level 1] 5x5->7x7
[Level 2] 5x5->7x7
[Level 3] 5x5->9x9
[Level 4] 5x5->11x11
[Level 5] 7x7->13x13

Rich's Coin
Max Lv: 1
Req: Flip the Coin 5
Type: Special
Detail: User can generate 10 coin using 100 zeny within 50% of chance. if you have learned this skill,Coin will not removed even if you failed to fain coin using Flip the Coin.

Mass Spiral
Max Lv: 5
Req: Piercing Shot 5 -> Piercing Shot 1
Type: Damage/Status
Detail: Rifle Skill. If target's def is higher, it deals more pierce damage. Target who recieved a damage from this skill will also recieve bleeding with a high chance. When using the skill, 1 coin and 1 Full Metal Bullet will be consumed.
[Level 1] 200% atk + Target's def
[Level 2] 400% atk + Target's def
[Level 3] 600% atk + Target's def
[Level 4] 800% atk + Target's def
[Level 5] 1000% atk + Target's def

Bind Trap
Max Lv: 5
Req: Basic
Type: Ground/Status
Detail: Implants a strong trap that slows down the enemy immensly. During its duration, all the enemies in its effective area will get slowed movement speed. If you use skill [Flicker], Bind Trap will explode and deals additional damage. Duration time of Bind Trap will get effective it's enemy's str.
Bind trap can't be installed more than one(->three), and when skill is used, it consumes 1 coin and 1 special trap.
[Level 1] 10 sec
[Level 2] 11 sec
[Level 3] 12 sec
[Level 4] 13 sec
[Level 5] 14 sec

Banishing Buster
Max Lv: 5
Req: Shatter Storm
Type: Damage/Special
Detail: Shotgun Skill. Target and 5x5 around it will recieve damage, and will erase any of its buff and debuff randomly. DEX effects success rate of erasing buff/debuff.
When the skill is used, 1 coin will be consumed.
[Level 1] Erase 4 Buff/Debuff randomly
[Level 2] Erase 6 Buff/Debuff randomly
[Level 3] Erase 8 Buff/Debuff randomly
[Level 4] Erase 10 Buff/Debuff randomly
[Level 5] Erase 12 Buff/Debuff randomly

Shatter Storm
Max Lv: 5
Req: Disarm 5/Dust 5 -> Disarm1/Dust1
Type: Damage/Special
Detail: Shot Gun Skill. Deals damage to its target, and also enemies around 5x5 area will recieve damage, and has chance of destroying random equip. Its chance will dependant upon user's DEX, and target's Agi. However, if target is coated, or it has undestructable equips, Shatter Storm won't break those equipments.
When the skill is used, 3 coin will be consumed.
[Level 1] Destroys 2 equip
[Level 2] Destroys 2 equip
[Level 3] Destroys 3 equip
[Level 4] Destroys 4 equip
[Level 5] Destroys 5 equip

Slug Shot
Max Lv: 5
Req: Banishing Buster 5 -> Banishing Buster 3
Type: Damage/Debuff
Detail: Shotgun Skill. If bullet is heavier, your damage will be increased. You have to equip heavy specialized slug bullet, and since its so heavy that after 3 cell from you, it will be decreased in accuracy. If target is hit by the skill, target will forced to sit. Monster will get stunned instead.
[Level 1] -10 accuracy after 3 cell
[Level 2] -9 accuracy after 3 cell
[Level 3] -8 accuracy after 3 cell
[Level 4] -7 accuracy after 3 cell
[Level 5] -6 accuracy after 3 cell

Anti-Material Blast
Max Lv: 5
Req: Mass Spiral
Type: Damage/Debuff
Detail: With Damaging enemy, it reduces "Immune effect" from the target. HIgher Skill level and user's DEX will increase its chane of effect.
When the skill is used, 1 coin will be consumed
[Level 1] 12 sec/immune will be reduced 10%
[Level 2] 14 sec/immune will be reduced 20%
[Level 3] 16 sec/immune will be reduced 30%
[Level 4] 18 sec/immune will be reduced 40%
[Level 5] 20 sec/immune will be reduced 50%

Eternal Chain
Max Lv: 10
Req: Chain Action 10
Type: Buff
Detail: When Eternal Chain is activated, regardless of what type of weapon you are wearing, it will activate Chain Action. Level of Chain Action will be determined depends on how many coin you have.
When the skill is used, all the coin will be used.
[Level 1] 30 Sec
[Level 2] 45 Sec
[Level 3] 60 Sec
[Level 4] 75 Sec
[Level 5] 90 Sec
[Level 6] 105 Sec
[Level 7] 120 Sec
[Level 8] 135 Sec
[Level 9] 150 Sec
[Level 10] 165 Sec

Quick Draw Shot
Max Lv: 1
Req: Eternal Chain
Type: Damage
Detail: While Chain Action is activating, it Activates Quick Draw shot to deal additional damage. You can activate this skill to combo Chain Action Skill. Higher DEX of its user will increase number of hits it will do. If Crimson Marker is on near by targets in 21x21 cells around the userer, they will all recieve Quick Draw Shot.

Crimson Marker
Max Level: 1
Pre-req: Increase Accuracy level 1
Max Lv: 1
Req: Increasing Accuracy 1
Type: Debuff/Special
Detail: Marks one with Cromson Mark, and decrease 10% of flee. Marked target will be shown at the mini map. You can use Crimson Mark to three people. Also, this sill will effect [Quick Draw Shot] [Dragon Tail] [Hammer of God]
30 second duration

Fire Dance
Max Lv: 5
Req: Fallen Angel 1
Type: Damage
Detail: Revolver Skill. Deals damage 5x5 cell around you.
When the skill is used, 1 coin and 5 equiped bullets will be used.
[Level 1] Varies on Level+100%
[Level 2] Varies on Level+200%
[Level 3] Varies on Level+300%
[Level 4] Varies on Level+400%
[Level 5] Varies on Level+500%

Fire Rain
Max Lv: 5
Req: Gatling Fever
Type: Ground/Damage
Detail: Gatling Gun Skill. Attacks 3x10 cell in front of the user. Ground skill that is in range of Fire Rain, that skill will be erased by chance. Higher DEX and skill level will increase its chance.
When the skill is used, 10 equiped bullet will be consumed.
[Level 1] 500% + User's Dex -> 2000% + User's Dex (all the same below)
[Level 2] 500% + User's Dex
[Level 3] 500% + User's Dex
[Level 4] 500% + User's Dex
[Level 5] 500% + User's Dex

Fallen Angel
Max Lv: 5
Req: Desperado 10
Type: Damage/Movement
Detail: Revolver Skill. User will jump to targetted spot, and use Desperado. If theres a wall, or obstacle in between the targetted spot from where you are, skill will fail to be activated automatically. It uses your current Desperado's skill level. Higher Skill level will decrease your skill cooldown.

Platinum Alter
Max Lv: 5
Req: Basic
Type: Buff
Detail: This skill activates only when Silver Bullet is equiped. When Platinum Alter is activated, you will use all the coin you have currently, and your ATK will increased depends on coin spent. And during its duration, you will get reduced damage from undead monsters. If you change your bullet before the duration is over, skill will be cancelled automatically.

Max Lv: 1
Req: Fling 1
Type: Special
Detail: It explodes user's special skills such as [Howling Mine] and [Bind Trap]

Howling Mine
Max Lv: 5
Req: Ground Drift 5 -> Spread Attatk 1
Type: Damage/Status
Detail: Granade Launcher Skill. Fires attachable bomb to its target, deals damage. Flicker skill can detonate Howling Mine, and it will deal explosion damage around the target. If its not exploded, it will be detached from the target after its duration is over. All the targets who recieved damage from its explosion, will have chance to get [Burn]
When the skill is used, will comsume 1 Attachable Bomb
[Level 1] 400% ATK + 800% Explosion damage
[Level 2] 600% ATK + 1100% Explosion damage
[Level 3] 800% ATK + 1400% Explosion damage
[Level 4] 1000% ATK + 1700% Explosion damage
[Level 5] 1200% ATK + 2000% Explosion damage

Hammer of God
Max Lv: 5
Req: Anti Material Blast 5
Type: Damage/Status
Detail: Rifle Skill. This skill will decide where would rage of god fall upon. If target is marked with Crimson Marker, it will attack 5x5 cells around the target. However, if target isnt marked with Crimson Marker, Hammer of God will fall randomly around the target. Target who recieved damage from Hammer of God will get stunned 100%, and duration of the stun will increased upon its skill level.
[Level 1] 2000% ATK + 3 sec stun -> 2400% ATK + 3 sec stun
[Level 2] 2500% ATK + 3 sec stun -> 3200% ATK + 3 sec stun
[Level 3] 3000% ATK + 4 sec stun -> 4000% ATK + 4 sec stun
[Level 4] 3500% ATK + 4 sec stun -> 4800% ATK + 4 sec stun
[Level 5] 4000% ATK + 5 sec stun -> 5600% ATK + 5 sec stun

Heat Barrel
Max Lv: 5
Req: Fire Dance 5 -> Fire Dance 2
Type: Buff
Detail: While spending all the coin you have, it will increase your attack speed but gets penalty on your accuracy. Higher skill level will increase more attack speed but also decrease more accuracy. Also, after the duration is over, you get 10 sec penalty which will block you from using any of skill nor item. In Addition, you can't stack this skill with Madness Canceller, and if you change your equip while in its duration, effect of skill will get removed, and you will recieve 10 second penalty automarically. 60 sec duration. (Added an effect: Decrease Fix Casting Delay)

Skill Tree


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Some Equipment
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Rebellion Official Wallpaper
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From : Warp portal forum and Europe forum

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